Quantitative Easing: Does It Work?

The taper tantrum of 2013 illustrates how investors can become dependent and subject to panic attacks when just the threat of tapering occurs. “One goal is to put out the house fire and the other is to use the fire hose to flood the system with liquidity so you don’t have a financial crisis,” he…

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FTSE 100 Market overview Hargreaves Lansdown

HSBC is another high profile inclusion in the FTSE 100 having generated significant shareholder value over the years. Other high profile companies listed in the index include mining giant BHP Billiton with a footprint across the globe, mobile telecommunication giant Vodafone, oil giant BP and mining giant Rio Tinto. Given that most of the companies…

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Back Propagation in Neural Network: Machine Learning Algorithm

PMLR, 2017., they break the constraint of locking layers by decoupling modules (i.e. layers), and introduce a model of the future computation of the network graph. These models predict what the result of the modelled subgraph will produce using only local information. As a result, the subgraphs can be updated independently and asynchronously. In the…

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Will Studying Finance Help You? Is Finance a Good Major?

If you’re a finance major in a master’s program, your courses tend to cover more advanced topics than what’s available at the undergraduate level. The concepts tend to be similar, but you have more time to devote to them. You may spend an entire semester examining behavioral finance, business tax laws, bond markets, derivatives markets,…

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Two Measures of Core Inflation: A Comparison St Louis Fed

Both the government and central bank (Reserve Bank) try to tackle inflation with their policies which are known as Fiscal and Monetary Policies respectively. This example clearly explains the fall in the purchasing power of money. The calculations for a trimmed mean and median CPI are fairly straightforward, but the difficulty with them is that…

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15 6 Income statement and statement of comprehensive income

OCI allows for the reporting of unrealized losses and retirement plan expenditures. The OCI account can be used as a gauge by investors looking at a company’s balance sheet for potential risks or windfalls to net income. This will provide you and your company with a better understanding of the definition of an income statement…

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Stock Leverage: The Risk & Rewards of Margin Accounts

However, it can lead to huge losses on a bad investment, especially when interest from the credit line is factored into the deal. Leverage refers to using debt to amplify an investment’s returns or losses. You borrow money to buy shares when you use leverage to invest in stocks. Leverage can lead to greater profits…

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